These days, automation is key to scaling any online business.
Why complete repetitive tasks manually that are subject to human error when you can automate those tasks and spend your time doing more valuable work?
At Virtually, we believe automating your workflow is key to growing your live online learning program and providing superior attention to your learners. When your team isn’t tied up with manual tasks, they can spend more time understanding learner needs and supporting those that fall behind.
We’ve done our part to build internal automations into our Virtual Event Manager. Things like sending event reminders across multiple channels, tracking attendance, and collecting feedback forms can all be done in one fell swoop.
But there are tons of tools out there and we want to make sure that Virtually also fits seamlessly into your existing workflow.
That’s where Zapier comes in.
With Zapier, you can build automations across 3,000+ SaaS tools. Our team has built out a variety of Zap “triggers” that lets you connect Virtually to virtually any tool in your techstack. How cool is that?
Read on to see 10 ways you can leverage Virtually’s Zapier integration to automate your live online learning program operations.
Whether you house your student data in Airtable, Excel, Circle, or Teachable, you can easily set up this Zap to keep your Virtually member data up to date with no added clicks or keystrokes.
Here are easy-to-use Zapier templates to auto-add members to Virtually with relevant tags whenever a new:
Just as you can get members auto-added to your Virtually account form a variety of tools, you can just as easily get them removed.
This Zap lets you auto-remove inactive members as soon as they get added to an ‘inactive’ or ‘removed’ list in Airtable, Excel, or the tool of your choice.
The bonus automation: because of Virtually’s offboarding feature, members that get removed from your Virtually account automatically get removed from event invites or reminders they were slated to receive. The result: even more time savings!
Here are Zapier templates to auto-remove members from Virtually whenever a new:
One of the top reasons learning programs use Virtually is because of our auto-attendance tracking feature.
With this Zap, you can auto-export your attendance data at the end of an event straight to the tool of your choice. This will save you from having to manually export data and help keep your data accurate. A win-win!
Here are Zapier templates to auto-export attendance data from Virtually directly to:
Another great automation within Virtually is the ability to automatically send out feedback surveys to attendees at the end of any given event. Virtually pulls all that data and showcases it on your Insights page, however, your program may want to view that data alongside data you’re collecting from other tools.
Luckily, just as you can auto-export attendance data from Virtually, you can also direct survey data right to your tool of choice.
Here are Zapier templates to auto-export survey responses from Virtually directly to:
Not yet a Virtually user? Schedule a demo call with the Virtually team to see all the ways you can automate your live online learning program event management (and take advantage of all these Zaps!).
Read next: How Reduced Student Drop-Out by 50%
Laura Marks is Head of Customer Experience at Virtually